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Sunday 12 April 2015

Egyptian court sentences American to life in prison

Mohamed Soltan was working as a translator for journalists when he was among thousands of people detained after Mohamed Morsi, Islamist president, was toppled in 2013 and denies supporting the Muslim Brotherhood

Activist Mohammed Soltan (C) on hunger strike in court to attend his trial that accuses him with
Activist Mohammed Soltan (C) on hunger strike in court to attend his trial that accuses him with "misinforming the media" in Cairo, Egypt Photo: Anadolu Agency/Getty Images
An American citizen was jailed for life in Egypt on Saturday as part of a draconian sentencing spree by the country’s most notorious judge that also saw a death penalty imposed on the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood.
Mohamed Soltan, a 27 year-old graduate of Ohio State University, received a life sentence along with 22 other defendants after being convicted of spreading false news and supporting the banned Muslim Brotherhood.
Judge Mohamed Nagy Shehata also upheld death sentences against 11 leading Brotherhood officials, including its leader, Mohamed Badie, and Mr Soltan’s father and cellmate, Salah Soltan. Mr Badie has already received at least two other death sentences.
The US embassy, in a statement, said it was “gravely concerned” about Mr Soltan and would “continue to monitor his case closely and to provide him with all possible support".
But on Saturday, his family said the State Department should have done more.
“As a nation that prides itself on justice and democracy, it is an abomination that a US citizen who committed no crime has been in prison for even a day, let alone a year and a half,” said his sister, Habiba Shebita.
Raised in the American Midwest, Mr Soltan always maintained that he disagreed with his father’s Muslim Brotherhood politics. He campaigned for Barack Obama in 2008, and moved to Cairo after graduation, finding work with a petroleum services company.
But after former Egyptian president Mohamed Morsi’s overthrow, Mr Soltan worked as a translator helping Western journalists cover a pro-Morsi sit-in in east Cairo.
He was shot in the arm by Egyptian police when they moved to clear the Rabaa el Adaweya square on August 14, 2013, an event that will go down in history as the bloodiest massacre in modern Egypt, claiming more than 1,000 lives. Mr Soltan was arrested the following week.
Known as the “Rabaa Operations Room” case, the prosecution accused the defendants of organising months of unrest after Mr Morsi was overthrown.
Amnesty International described Saturday’s verdicts as an attempt to “silence dissent and flatten opposition”.
Mass trials have become routine under Egypt’s new government, and it is not uncommon for a single courthouse to host hundreds of defendants in a single sitting.
Abdel Fattah al Sisi, Egyptian president, has justified the crackdown as part of a war against terrorism.
No defendants were present during Saturday’s verdict.
Mr Shehata, who is infamous for his draconian verdicts, issued the sentences after reading aloud a Koranic verse that referred to amputation and crucifixion.
Mr Soltan, a dual American-Egyptian national, has refused food for the past 14 months. Once a well-built basketball player, he has reportedly lost over a third of his body weight, surviving on salt and sugar water for more than 430 days.
In an open letter to President Obama last year, Mr Soltan asked if Washington would have intervened more forcefully in his case if he had been born with “blond hair and blue eyes”.

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