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Saturday 31 October 2015

Kcee Vs Meek Mill, Who Rocked The Shirt Better?(See Photo)

Kcee and Meek Mill in similar shirts.
This time, we are comparing American rapper, Meek Mill
and our very own Limpopo singer, Kcee.
Kcee who claims to be a self-styled fashion icon rocked
his outfit with gold accessories – a chain and buckle, and
on his kicks, to an interview with Trace TV.
Meanwhile, Meek Mill wore a similar look but the short-
sleeved version of the shirt matched with black
Timberland boots.

Ayodele Fayose Makes List Of World Richest And Influential People With Simple Cars

The word “ Billionaire ” automatically makes people think
of someone who own big houses, private summer homes,
countless shoes, clothes, jewelry and of course many
exotic cars. It’s not uncommon to find Ferraris, Bentleys
or Rolls Royce in the garage of the wealthy. While this is
true with most billionaires and millionaires, some of the
world’s wealthiest people prefer to live an average life in
a modest house and drive a modest car.

Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon

Jeffrey Preston “Jeff” Bezos was born in New Mexico. He
is a technology entrepreneur and the founder and CEO of
Amazon.com According to Wikipedia his current net
worth is estimated to be somewhere near $46.7 billion
but this tech genius still drives a 1996 Honda Accord. The
same model today would cost below $4,000 and in its
present state will cost 700,000 naira.

Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg is known as one of the youngest
billionaires in the planet. He is also known for his love of
simple lifestyle. Aside from the fact that he prefers
wearing jeans, shirts and sandals to designer suits and
expensive shoes he also drives an Acura TSX which cost
about 5,500,000 naira on the Carmudi Nigeria website.
This is one billionaire who does not want to show the
world his wealth.
Ingvar Kamprad

Ingvar Kamprad is the founder of Ikea and has a net
worth of at least $28 billion. According to Wikipedia
Ingvar Feodor Kamprad is one of the richest people in
the world. He is known to be a modest man irrespective
of his wealth. If Kampard is not taking the bus, he is seen
driving his Volvo 240 which cost only $1500 which is
about 299,000 naira

Jose Mujica, Uruguayan President

Jose Mujica, president of Uruguay since 2010, is known to
be the world’s poorest president. Jose donates more than
90% of his $12,000 per month salary to benefit the poor
and to help small entrepreneurs. He is the only president
that drives a 1978 Volkswagen Beetle and which presently
costs less than 150,000 naira .

Gov Ayodele Fayose of Ekiti State Nigeria
Ayodele Fayose is the present Governor of Ekiti State,
Nigeria. Fayose
said he was once a danfo driver.
The governor is also known to visit the market, interact
with the traders, control traffic and even at one time he
rode a motorcycle to the state assembly complex to
inaugurate new members. Nothing is really known about
his net-worths, the
governors earn about 2.22 million in basic salary
annually. This figure does not include allowances and
welfare packages. In all it is safe to assume he can afford
the latest luxury cars but the car he drives is a 1957
Mercedes benz valued at

Again? Robbery Attack On Eko Bridge Yesterday Evening(Photos)

  To Drive out now in Lagos  is now  a
problem in our Lasgidi.
Yet another robbery attack on Eko bridge inwards
Costain around 9:45pm tonight. Hoodlums stopped
several cars with cutlasses and guns and robbed from car
to car on the bridge. Phones, bags, and money were
taken from motorists. Some were injured.
These robberies are getting too much. Our dear Lagos
government, please help us before people start losing
their lives…
What is our dear Lagos turning into? Imagine this guy was robbing this woman with so much confidence.

Source:- LIB

Open Heavens Daily Devotional Written By Pastor E.A. Adeboye.


Topic :- BOASTING DISALLOWED – Saturday October 31st 2015

Memorise: And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know. 1st Corinthians 8:2

Read: Psalm 49:6-7,
6 They that trust in their wealth, and boast themselves in the multitude of their riches;
7 None of them can by any means redeem his brother, nor give to God a ransom for him:


An individual who believes he or she is wiser than other people is proud.
 Proverbs 26:12 says:
“Seest thou a man wise in his own conceit? There is more hope of a fool than of him.”
It is bad enough to be a fool, but this Scripture tells us that a person who thinks he knows more than every other person is in worse shape. While there may still be a ray of hope left for the fool, the case of the proud is almost completely hopeless. 1st Corinthians 8:2 says:
“And if any man think that he knoweth any thing, he knoweth nothing yet as he ought to know.”
It is what some people know that makes them proud (1st Corinthians 8:1). The knowledge of God that you have should not generate pride in you but strength (Daniel 11:32). As a husband, if you say you are not proud, why then is it that you don’t entertain the useful suggestions of your wife? As a leader, do you operate with others under you as if you are the custodian of knowledge? If you are not proud, you will be able to learn from your subordinates and even from your children. Believe it or not, there are lots of advice, useful suggestions and other blessings God will be sending to you through your subordinates and those under you; but if you are not ready to humble yourself to receive these, you may likely miss them. 

One way of identifying the proud is through their boastings. A proud fellow will not only brag about what he can do, but also about several things he cannot do, all in a bid to make him look bigger than who he really is. As a child of God, you are expected to avoid boasting because of several variables in life are completely out of your control (James 4:14-16). Hence, our Bible reading says even when you are wealthy, never put your trust in your wealth or boast about what you have. Money may buy you a water bed, but it cannot buy you sleep. What is the use of a water bed without the ability to sleep? Also, you may be the richest man in the world, and yet with all your wealth, you cannot buy salvation for yourself or for your brother. Money can buy a beautiful wife but not a good name. Do you boast of your accomplishments? You need to be broken. Forget whatever you may have achieved and yield yourself to the hands of the Lord, asking God to mould you as He deems fit. 

Key Point:
Pride is like smoke, cannot be covered. Before long, it will be seen in the carriage or conduct of its host.

Bible In A Year:
Deuteronomy 14:1-29; Deuteronomy 15:1-23; Deuteronomy 16:1-8; Ephesians 6:1-24

Friday 30 October 2015

“Even Satan Wasn’t Gay, He Approached Unclad Eve Instead Of Unclad Adam” – President Mugabe

“Even satan wasn’t Gay, he chose to approach Unclad Eve
instead of Unclad Adam.” – President, Mugabe on homo
Following the legalization of gay marriage across
America by the Supreme Court last week, Zimbabwean
president Robert Mugabe, who is known for his extreme
anti-gay views has been making headlines.
Earlier this week was a marriage proposal to president
Obama and yesterday, he allegedly said what you see
below during another interview;
“Even satan wasn’t Gay, he chose to approach Unclad Eve
instead of Unclad Adam.” – President, Mugabe on homo

German Rapper Who Fought For ISIS Has Died In An Airstrike.(Photos)

The former German rapper who joined ISIS in 2012 and
had publicly threatened President Obama has been killed
in an airstrike, the Pentagon confirmed on Friday,
October 30.
Denis Cuspert, who went by his hip-hop name “Deso
Dogg,” died in an Oct. 16 attack near Raqqa, Syria,
according to Department of Defense spokeswoman Elissa
“Cuspert was a foreign terrorist fighter and operative for
ISIL who used social media to take advantage of
disaffected youth and potential Western recruits,” she
said in a statement.
“He publicly threatened the president of the United States
and German citizens. He also encouraged Western
Muslims to conduct attacks.” she added.
The Berlin-born rapper was labeled a “specially
designated global terrorist” in February, according to the
State Department.
Cuspert has appeared in several propaganda videos for
the militant group, including one where he appeared to
be holding a man’s severed head. He went by the name
Abu Talha al-Almani after ditching his musical roots to
join the terrorist group.
“His death contributes to our efforts to stop foreign
fighter recruitment,” Smith said.

Read The Stages Of Rituals The New Ooni Of Ife Adeyeye Ogunwusi Is Set To Undergo.

Prince Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi, the Ooni of Ife elect,
yesterday stormed Ile-Ife amidst fanfair. His installation
ritual rites will commence shortly and it’s in several
stages. It may take a total of 21 days as against the usual
30 days.
The Stages are:-
1. The Ooni will be received at Ife end of Ife/Ibadan
expressway. He must enter Ile Ife in the day time after
his name has been announced.
2. The Ooni will go to the Giesi Ruling House to be
installed as the Sooko. According to Ife tradition, he must
first be the Sooko of his family before he mounts the stool
of Ooni.
3. After his installation as Sooko, the Ooni will head to
the Obalufe Palace to perform rites at the Orunto River
inside the palace, after which, he will proceed to a forest
on Ilesa road for another round of rituals.
4. The Ooni of Ife is also expected to go into seclusion in
Ilofi for a minimum of 21 days for series of rites and
5. The Ooni will meet an old woman in spirit to receive
the power left by Oduduwa. The old woman will give him
all the power over the Yoruba race.
6. The new Ooni of Ife, Prince Adeyeye Ogunwusi, must
belong to the Isoro cult.
7. Lowa Eredumi of Ile Ife, Oba Eluyele Olawenu,
according to tradition, will officiate at the installation

Credit:- National Helm

For Real!!Man Who Stole From Bishop Oyedepo Runs Mad

Many people make light of one of the commandments of
the Supreme Being, which states thus “thou shall not
steal”. Countless number of times, this simple instruction
has been flouted with several culprits getting away
unscathed, but, that is not the case this time as you are
about to discover.
If you are a clergyman or you are one of those who steal
from sacred places, desist so you won’t end your life the
way this man did.
Olawore, the man with the light fingers was employed as
an accountant with the Living Faith Worldwide a.k.a
Winners Chapel some years ago.
It is mandatory that anyone who wants to work with the
religious body, must undergo the church’s pastoral
training irrespective of the educational credentials
presented. Before Olawore was employed, he was duly
made to understand this pre-requisite.
He was therefore enrolled at the theological seminary,
from where he subsequently graduated and was
employed as an accountant in the church.
Mr. Olawore as he was called to resume work and was
assigned to counting and recording the church’s proceeds
after every service. According to an insider, the church’s
strong room has close circuit cameras installed in all the
environ except the toilets. Olawore alongside other fellow
accountants are saddled with the responsibility of
counting the money and separating the hard currency
from the local bill.
Olawore, a close family source revealed was very close to
the bishop because of his intelligence, this paved way for
him to head the department after a few years of his
But despite being close to the richest pastor in the world,
Mr. Olawore and some of his colleagues were found to be
stealing from the church’s treasury. How did they do that
with the Close Circuit TV monitors around?
We gathered that they pinned the money in their hand
and take excuse to visit the toilet where they would now
hide it somewhere they would later have access to,
because, after close of work, everyone will be subjected
to thorough search before they are cleared to leave the
strong room……
“sometimes they spend up to three days counting money
and separating the hard currencies in different
denomination. The tithes are directly paid into the
Bishop’s account.
It became possible for them to steal hard currencies of
higher denominations because these are monies that will
last them sometime three days to finish counting. And
while performing that duty, some of them were always
using the convenience place to keep the money till after
they are through with it the exercise before they would
later go for their harvest” an inside source told us.
You would be shocked that many atimes the cleaners
have even made themselves rich as they often see monies
stashed in polythene and kept in the WC or sometime use
the brush holder as piggy banks to keep the money.
Few months into this act, Olawore who is said to be
blessed with the gift of prophecies was always seeing
where others used to keep their stolen ‘goddies’ and as he
has seen it, he would always go directly to retrieve the
stolen loot.
It got to a point that the money was so enormous and he
started buying lands all over the place mostly at Agbado
area of Lagos, and at the same time living large and
enjoying life to the fullest, but he could only do this for a
short while, as his insatiable greed and appetite for
women ruined him and all he has acquired through this
shady means all went down the drain.
As you are reading this, Mr. Olawore seems to have
become a recluse and is often seen muttering to himself
while walking the streets without any hope of him
regaining his sanity.

Open Heavens Daily Devotional Written By Pastor E.A. Adeboye


Topic :- CHOSEN FOR LAUGHTER – Thursday October 30th 2015

Memorise: And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me. Genesis 21:6

Read: Genesis 21:1-6,
1 And the Lord visited Sarah as he had said, and the Lord did unto Sarah as he had spoken.
2 For Sarah conceived, and bare Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him.
3 And Abraham called the name of his son that was born unto him, whom Sarah bare to him, Isaac.
4 And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac being eight days old, as God had commanded him.
5 And Abraham was an hundred years old, when his son Isaac was born unto him.
6 And Sarah said, God hath made me to laugh, so that all that hear will laugh with me.

We serve a God that fills the mouth of his chosen with laughter. Some chosen of the Lord testified of this in Psalms 126:2 saying:
“Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The LORD hath done great things for them.”
In Genesis 18:1-14, when the Lord visited Abraham and Sarah and ate in their tent, He promised them that they would have a son in nine months’ time; but Sarah laughed because her husband was over 99 years old and she herself was 90 years old. She thought that this promise was a joke borne out of how much the three august visitors enjoyed the meal that she and Abraham had prepared. God asked why she laughed, but she denied that she laughed. Nine months later, she gave birth to laughter, and she laughed for the rest of her life (Genesis 21:6). Today, God will be sustained. But how can God make you laugh, your laughter will be sustained. But how can God make you laugh today? God makes you laugh when you receive an unexpected divine visitation. It is one thing for you to pay God a visit, like when you attend a church programme or a special programme like the Holy Ghost Service; but it is another thing for God to visit you. It is a beautiful experience when God visits a congregation or group of people, but it is even lovelier when God picks out an individual in a large congregation for divine visitation. The Lord will single you out for a divine visitation this season in Jesus’ Name.

In John 5:2-9, there was a multitude of sick folks at the pool called Bethesda, but when Jesus visited there, He went straight for the man who had been sick for 38years, healed him and left the place. In like manner, in Mark 10:46-52, Jesus entered Jericho and passed through it looking for whom to visit. He saw none in Jericho, but as He was leaving, in the midst of a crowd, he saw a blind beggar outside the city gate, healed him and continued with His journey. As Jesus healed these people, He introduced laughter into their lives. There was no record that either of them was ever sick again. Whatever criteria He uses to determine candidates for His visitation shall work in your favour today. Out of the crowd of those who need children, the Lord will visit you with yours. Out of the crowd of those who need promotion, the Lord will promote you. Out of the crowd of those who need special anointing, the Lord will visit you specially today. However, flee from sin, and do only what pleases Him. Be faithful in your tithes and offerings, and worship Him. 

Prayer Point:
Father, I have wept for too long; from now on, introduce laughter into my life and make me laugh forever.

Bible In A Year:
Deuteronomy 12:1-32; Deuteronomy 13:1-18; Ephesians 5:1-33

Thursday 29 October 2015

Boko Haram Releases Pictures Of Its Rocket Factory – Says Terror Monitor (Photos)

Nigerian military take note of this development.
While the Nigerian troops are trying hard to win the
battle against Boko Haram insurgency, the deadly sect
which is now affiliated with world terror group Islamic
State (ISIS) -has released photos showing its rocket
factory in a bid to undermine the recent efforts of the
armed forces.
See more photos below:-

Obasanjo Welcomes The New Ooni Of Ife Designate(Photos)

Former President Olusegun Obasanjo was among the
dignitaries that welcomed the Ooni of Ife designate,
Prince Adeyeye Ogunwusi to Ile Ife yesterday October

Army Releases Photos Of Wanted Boko Haram Members(See Them)

In order to beat the deadline set by President
Muhammedu Buhari to end insurgency in the country, the
Nigeria Army has released images of some of the most
wanted suspects of the sect (Boko Haram).
The images of the wanted sect members were today,
boldly shown on a banner and were displayed by the
Chief of Army Staff, Lt – Gen. Tukur Buratai among other
Inscription on the banner however urged Nigerians to
report to the Army if any of the persons on the banner is
seen anywhere in public.

Check Out Kiss Daniel New Dread Lock Hair Style. Hit or Miss?

New Ooni Of Ife Designate Makes Grand Entrance Into Ile Ife In A Bentley Yesterday(Photos)

The Ooni of Ife designate, Prince Adeyeye Ogunwusi,
made his grand entrance into Ile Ife in Osun state today
ahead of his coronation as the 51

Open Heavens Daily Devotional Written By Pastor E.A. Adeboye.


Topic :- DANGERS OF ENVY II – Thursday October 29th 2015

Memorise: And when Rachel saw that she bare Jacob no children, Rachael envied her sisters; and said unto Jacob, Give me children, or else I die. Genesis 30:1

Read: Numbers 16:29-35,
29 If these men die the common death of all men, or if they be visited after the visitation of all men; then the Lord hath not sent me.
30 But if the Lord make a new thing, and the earth open her mouth, and swallow them up, with all that appertain unto them, and they go down quick into the pit; then ye shall understand that these men have provoked the Lord.
31 And it came to pass, as he had made an end of speaking all these words, that the ground clave asunder that was under them:
32 And the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed them up, and their houses, and all the men that appertained unto Korah, and all their goods.
33 They, and all that appertained to them, went down alive into the pit, and the earth closed upon them: and they perished from among the congregation.
34 And all Israel that were round about them fled at the cry of them: for they said, Lest the earth swallow us up also.
35 And there came out a fire from the Lord, and consumed the two hundred and fifty men that offered incense.

Envy is a terrible character flaw that everyone who has accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour must completely give up. Envy can lead to the murder of the one being envied or the murder of his or her dreams. Many polygamous families are wrapped up in envy. The mark of a place where there is envy is confusion and evil. James 3:16 says:
“For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.”

As much as it lies within your power, avoid such places, because the Spirit of God will not stay in a place where there is confusion (1st Corinthians 14:33). In such places, people go to any extent to discredit, poison, afflict and destroy their own out of envy. If you are driven by envy, you are on a satanic mission: a self-destructive mission that will definitely lead to regret someday. Today, some churches are envy-driven. Do you know that some pastors go to set up their own ministries out of envy? The foundation of such ministries is faulty from the beginning, and if you dare to check, God is completely out of it. Are you driven by envy? What are you doing as a result of envy? Repent and amend your ways today before it is too late.

 There is a great price the envious always has to play. This price could have a physical, emotional and spiritual component. The price for envy can be very costly! You would be amazed at what that tiny envy in your heart towards your neighbour can take out of you. Envy can erode the blessings of the environs. If you do not want to lose your blessings, completely abstain from it. Korah, Dathan and Abiram paid dearly for the envy that led them to rebel against their leader – Moses (Numbers 16:1-3). God publicly set them aside to show everyone that they had done the wrong thing. God, who earlier appointed them as leaders under Moses, openly discredited them. Thereafter, the ground swallowed them up together with their households. Envy made sure their generation was terminated. That envy in your heart can terminate your future generations! Greed and envy are two tools the devil uses to destroy future generations and destines! Gehazi’s greed brought leprosy to his generation (2nd Kings 5:27), while the envy of Korah, Dathan and Abiram completely wiped out their generations. Check your heart! That tiny looking seed of envy that appears harmless today can become your greatest undoing. Ask God to help you uproot it now.        

Prayer Point:
Father, in your mercy, uproot and destroy completely every trace of envy in my heart.  

Bible In A Year:
Deuteronomy 10:1-22; Deuteronomy 11:1-32; Ephesians 4:1-22

Wednesday 28 October 2015

Fuji K1 D Ultimate Released On Bail For Allegedly Shooting A Female Student Of OOU.

Reports have it that Ogun State Police command on
Tuesday has released fuji musician king, Wasiu Ayinde,
popularly called K1 de Ultimate on bail.
K1 was interrogated the fuji music lord over the alleged
shooting of a female student of Olabisi Onabanjo
University, Ago-Iwoye three weeks ago.
It was gathered that the artiste arrived at the state police
headquarters at Eleweran, Abeokuta around 11am on
He was reported to have been interrogated by policemen
attached to the Department of Criminal Investigation and
Intelligence for about six hours before he was released
on bail.
It will be recalled that one of the band members of the
musician allegedly fired a shot which hit a female OOU
student identified as Azeez Kofoworola on Saturday,
October 10, during a musical show at a hotel in Ago

Credit:- Punch

Four People Burnt Beyond Recognition As Fuel Tanker Explodes On Ajaokuta Bridge

NOT less than four persons were burnt beyond
recognition yesterday when a fuel-laden tanker burst into
flames on the River Niger Bridge after Itobe in Ajakuta
Local Council of Kogi State.
It was gathered that the tanker driver and the conductor
had tampered with the fuel tanker at Itobe near
Ajaokuta, where they might have sold out some of the
fuel and, in the process, they could not properly cover
the valve which started gushing fuel onto the bridge.
About 14 members of the Kogi State Correspondent
chapel of the Nigeria Union of Journalists (NUJ) who were
returning from a party campaign rally in Olamaboro
Local Council escaped the fireball by whiskers.
The correspondents of Leadership and Vanguard
newspapers, Mr. Sam Egwu and Bolu Obahopo, however,
sustained various degrees of injury when they jumped
out from the moving vehicle that conveyed them.
The Guardian gathered that the driver of the 33,000 litres
capacity tanker made frantic efforts to stem the
outpouring of fuel from the side valves of the tanker,
before the sudden fire outburst that consumed them.
A motorcyclist, who was attempting to overtake the
Toyota Haice bus of the Correspondents Chapel slipped
over the fuel, fell down and the scratch of the silencer on
the bridge ignited the fire which consumed the fuel
tanker as well as the driver of the tanker.
The Toyota Haice bus, which had passed immediately
after, caught fire from the underside, during which a
stampede ensued inside the bus.
Others who later alighted were able to put out the fire
with the fire extinguisher, while those injured were taken
to the nearby Crestwood Hospital, Ajaokuta, for

I Killed Our Rival To Avenge My Brother’s Death – Cultist(Photo)

A self-acclaimed member of Eiye confraternity yesterday
gave a graphic description of how he murdered one of
his rivals during a birthday party held in Mushin area of
Lagos last week.
Arrested alongside the 22-year-old suspect was his
alleged accomplice.
The deceased, a commercial motorcyclist, identified as
Sura Abiola Lateef, was reportedly attacked along with
his friend, when they stepped out to buy sachet water.
While his friend, identified as Rilwan, was said to have
managed to escape with a deep cut in the neck, same
could not be said of Lateef, who was stabbed in different
parts of his body and abandoned in the pool of his blood
and he bled to death.
Briefing newsmen on activities of cultists in the state, the
Lagos State Commissioner of Police, Mr Fatai Owoseni,
said the command had launched a manhunt for cultists,
disclosing that over 20 suspected cultists had been
arrested between October 18 and 21, 2015.
Among them were 22-year-old Morufu Liadi and Rilwan
Balogun who confessed to have had a hand in the late
commercial motorcyclist’s death.
Speaking with Vanguard, Liadi who showed no sign of
remorse, said the killing of late Lateef was to avenge the
death of his elder brother.
He said: “I am a vulcanizer. I was forced to join the Eiye
confraternity last year in order to avenge the death of
my brother who was murdered by cultists seven years
ago. I waited until last year to join because by then, I was
only 15 years old and I was told that I was too young to
join a cult.
“ Last Sunday, I was invited to a birthday bash at
Agbekolade Street, Mushin, where members of Aye were
in attendance. While there, my friend (pointing to
Balogun who sat by his side) showed me a young man
named Lateef, who he said was among those that
murdered my elder brother, Azeez, seven years ago. He
said Lateef was one of Aye’s hit men.
“Immediately I got up to challenge him (Lateef ) and to
my surprise, the person with him brought out a gun. He
fired some shots at me but none penetrated. At that
moment, they both took to their heels. But Lateef fell and
I used that opportunity to stab him on any part of the
body I could lay my hands on. I did that to avenge the
death of my brother .“
On his part, Balogun, a Junior Secondary School 3 drop
out, claimed he was not a cultist. Although he admitted to
have pointed the deceased to Liadi, he said he did not
witness the murder.
The suspects, according to the command boss, will be
charged to court thereafter.
Source: Vanguard

Four Houses Razed By Fire In Surulere, Lagos (Photos)

There was a fire outbreak yesterday evening at Aiyeleto
Four houses got totally razed by the inferno but
thankfully, residents were able to evacuate so no serious
injuries but properties worth millions of naira were
The cause of the fire is yet unknown.
Sore photos below;-

Mourinho Blast Media As Chelsea Lose Yet Again

Chelsea manager Jose Mourinho has hit out against the media
following the team’s loss to Stoke in the Capital One Cup.
Jose Mourinho blasts media
The loss is The Blues’ second in as many games, and Mourinho
has put some of the blame on some of the things being written
about the players.
“What the players did tonight is face some people that write and
speak, and said: “You are stup*d”. What some people write and
say is really bad for the players,” Mourinho said.
“Maybe they think my players are like them when they were
players. My players don’t do that, they tried everything.

If anyone saw the second half the other day, playing with 10
men the way they did, it’s a lack of respect for the players.”

Abacha’s Loot Is Too Huge For Us To Handle – World Bank

The World Bank has asked for more time to provide a
detailed report on the loot of former military dictator,
Sani Abacha, saying the loot is too huge for it to handle.
The World Bank said this in response to a request by
civil society group, Socio-Economic Rights and
Accountability Project (SERAP) asking for a
comprehensive document detailing all the loots of the
former military dictator which is estimated at $11.3
billion and stashed in foreign banks.
“In response to your request, we would like to inform
you that we are still considering your request and we
will need additional time because the money involved
is too huge for us to handle.” World bank says..
The World Bank added that although it takes just 20
working days to respond to such requests, under special
cases, it could take longer time.

I Sold Pepper Soup To Raise Money For My School Fees – Annie Idibia

Speaking as a Guest speaker at the Eve secondary school
series yesterday, Nollywood actress, Annie Idibia revealed
she once sold pepper soup with her mother to make
hands meet.
The mother of two and wife of the famous superstar
singer 2face Idibia urged the crowd of students not to
give up on their dreams, stating that..
“I want you all to follow your dreams. I don’t want you
to feel like the next person is more privileged than you
and use that as an excuse for failure.
I had no break time when I was in secondary school
because I had to go to the market during breaks to buy
pepper soup things from the market and put in the fridge
for my mom to cook and sell in the evening. And after
school I would assist her in selling.
I had to do that because that was how I and my
brothers school fees were paid. Today I am living my
The event which held at Terra Kulture, was powered by
Metro Fm and tagged #YourDreamsOurReality

Open Heavens Daily Devotional Written By Pastor E.A. Adeboye.

Topic :- DANGER OF ENVY I – Wednesday October 28th 2015

Memorise: A sound heart is the life of the flesh: but envy the rottenness of the bones. Proverbs 14:30

Read: Genesis 4:3-8,
3 And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord.
4 And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering:
5 But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.
6 And the Lord said unto Cain, Why art thou wroth? and why is thy countenance fallen?
7 If thou doest well, shalt thou not be accepted? and if thou doest not well, sin lieth at the door. And unto thee shall be his desire, and thou shalt rule over him.
8 And Cain talked with Abel his brother: and it came to pass, when they were in the field, that Cain rose up against Abel his brother, and slew him.

From Proverbs 3:31-33 we understand that oppressors should not be envied, because there is a divine curse on their households. If you envy an unbeliever for any reason, you may be attracting the curse on such a fellow to yourself. Furthermore, Psalm 37:1-2, admonishes us to look beyond the material blessings of sinners, as they are heading for a tragic end. Besides not envying sinners, Galatians 5:26 makes it clear that it is equally wrong to envy one another. Envy is dangerous, because it can trigger a chain of negative events in the life of the envious. If there is envy in the heart of a person and it is not dealt with, it can lead to murder, as was the case with Cain. Cain and his younger brother, Abel, offered up sacrifice before God. While Abel’s offering was accepted, Cain’s offering was rejected. Instead of going back to God to find out what he did wrong, or going to his brother to find out what he did wrong, or going to his brother to find out what he did right, so that he could adjust and offer an acceptable sacrifice, he took the mean option of giving room to envy. He nursed envy in his heart until the day they had a quarrel over some other issues. On this day, he hit his brother so hard that he died. Envy leads to murder. If you are envious, a seed that can grow into murder is already in your heart.

Similarly, in Genesis 37, we see how Joseph’s brothers were taken over by envy. They envied him because he was their father’s favourite son. This they did instead of finding out what they could do to make them partake of their father’s favour. When Joseph had a set of dreams revealing a great future ahead, they envied him the more. Envy made them forget that Joseph was their younger brother and of the same blood with them. Envy affected their reasoning at a point where they become very irrational. Come to think of it, if their younger brother’s dreams of greatness were realised. Would it not positively affect their position in several ways? This should have made them encourage him to fulfil his destiny, so that they could become co-beneficiaries. Instead of this, envy poisoned their hearts against their own blood and got them to take up the assignment of killing his dream. Are you envious of anyone? Are you out to kill other people’s dreams because if realised, they could become greater than you? It is evil! Repent today!

Key Point
Envy distorts the rational thinking process of the environs and makes such a fellow more subjective than objective.

Bible In A Year:
Deuteronomy 8:1-20; Deuteronomy 9:1-29; Ephesians 3:1-21

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Don Jazzy’s Girlfriend Finally Said YES (Photo)

Looks like sexy TV girl, Peace Hyde, has said yes to be
Don Jazzy’s girl openly. No marriage thinz yet!

So Sad! See The Photos Of Pretty & Young Corper Who Died In An Auto-Crash Last Night.

This life is just a vanity! Temi Omolabake died last night
October 26th in a motor accident in Zamfara state on her
way back to Sokoto from Sango Ota, Ogun State.
She was a 2015 batch A Corp Member serving in Sokoto
May her soul rest in peace, amen. A friend of hers wrote
her a tribute. Read below…
“I could remember the first day I met you at a person after
hearing so much about you on phone. You were so pretty
and young,I fell in love with your smile immediately. You
were a loving girl, your siblings’ best friend, your parents’
favourite and your fiance’s little Bae.
I saw you last on October 7,2015 when the traffic light
stopped my bike and I heard that your tiny voice saying
“Chicken, how far”. You travelled the next day to Ogun
State and until now I still wish you didn’t travel.
I loved you so much but you didn’t even allow me to show
the lov embarassede well…. You were an ambitious
presenter who had a lot of plans..
Now who would continue your sport program you started
at Savannah TV, you gave us so much stress in thinking
about a name for that program before we all decided on
one. Everyone always gets to like you at first sight…. Trust
me ,you can’t meet her and not fall in love.
Rest in peace Lamina Temitope Balqis Omolabake…. My
dearest talkative.
…..Adeniyi Sukurat Abidemi (2014 batch C Corp Member,
Sokoto State)

JUST IN! Another Grade A Monarch, Owa Obokun Of Ijesha, Is Dead

The Owa Obokun of Ijeshaland, Osun state, Oba Gabriel Adekunle
Aromolaran, is dead!
Sahara Reporters reports that the top traditional ruler died earlier
today although it has not been disclosed how he passed on.
Oba Gabriel Adekunle Aromolaran, the Owa Obokun of Ijesaland, is
The report also revealed that the official announcement of the Grade
A monarch remains is yet to be made according to traditional rites.
This is coming just less than 24 hours after a new Ooni of Ife
emerged after three months since the erstwhile traditional ruler in
Osun state, Oba Sijuwade Okunade, kicked the bucket.
Details later…

Sahara Reporters