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Friday 30 October 2015

For Real!!Man Who Stole From Bishop Oyedepo Runs Mad

Many people make light of one of the commandments of
the Supreme Being, which states thus “thou shall not
steal”. Countless number of times, this simple instruction
has been flouted with several culprits getting away
unscathed, but, that is not the case this time as you are
about to discover.
If you are a clergyman or you are one of those who steal
from sacred places, desist so you won’t end your life the
way this man did.
Olawore, the man with the light fingers was employed as
an accountant with the Living Faith Worldwide a.k.a
Winners Chapel some years ago.
It is mandatory that anyone who wants to work with the
religious body, must undergo the church’s pastoral
training irrespective of the educational credentials
presented. Before Olawore was employed, he was duly
made to understand this pre-requisite.
He was therefore enrolled at the theological seminary,
from where he subsequently graduated and was
employed as an accountant in the church.
Mr. Olawore as he was called to resume work and was
assigned to counting and recording the church’s proceeds
after every service. According to an insider, the church’s
strong room has close circuit cameras installed in all the
environ except the toilets. Olawore alongside other fellow
accountants are saddled with the responsibility of
counting the money and separating the hard currency
from the local bill.
Olawore, a close family source revealed was very close to
the bishop because of his intelligence, this paved way for
him to head the department after a few years of his
But despite being close to the richest pastor in the world,
Mr. Olawore and some of his colleagues were found to be
stealing from the church’s treasury. How did they do that
with the Close Circuit TV monitors around?
We gathered that they pinned the money in their hand
and take excuse to visit the toilet where they would now
hide it somewhere they would later have access to,
because, after close of work, everyone will be subjected
to thorough search before they are cleared to leave the
strong room……
“sometimes they spend up to three days counting money
and separating the hard currencies in different
denomination. The tithes are directly paid into the
Bishop’s account.
It became possible for them to steal hard currencies of
higher denominations because these are monies that will
last them sometime three days to finish counting. And
while performing that duty, some of them were always
using the convenience place to keep the money till after
they are through with it the exercise before they would
later go for their harvest” an inside source told us.
You would be shocked that many atimes the cleaners
have even made themselves rich as they often see monies
stashed in polythene and kept in the WC or sometime use
the brush holder as piggy banks to keep the money.
Few months into this act, Olawore who is said to be
blessed with the gift of prophecies was always seeing
where others used to keep their stolen ‘goddies’ and as he
has seen it, he would always go directly to retrieve the
stolen loot.
It got to a point that the money was so enormous and he
started buying lands all over the place mostly at Agbado
area of Lagos, and at the same time living large and
enjoying life to the fullest, but he could only do this for a
short while, as his insatiable greed and appetite for
women ruined him and all he has acquired through this
shady means all went down the drain.
As you are reading this, Mr. Olawore seems to have
become a recluse and is often seen muttering to himself
while walking the streets without any hope of him
regaining his sanity.

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