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Sunday 25 October 2015

Undergraduate Hacked To Death Two Months To Wedding.

Tragedy struck at Olorunfunmi Street in Oworo area of
Lagos, on Thursday, following the murder of a 32- year-
old man, Lawal Afolabi Kunbi, allegedly by a debtor, in a
bid to evade repayment.
Kunbi, a business administration student of Lagos State
Polytechnic, Isolo, reportedly received a telephone call
from a private security guard, identified simply as Aliu,
who lives on same street with him, to come and collect
N32,000 owed him.
Sunday Vanguard gathered that the deceased, who owned
a provision store, sold his motorcycle to Aliu, in order to
raise money to pay his school fees, about a month ago.
However , after receiving the call, Kunbi dashed out of
his shop to Aliu’s apartment, adjacent to his shop,
obviously optimistic he would pay his school fees after

 Unknown to Kunbi, who was said to be preparing
for his wedding in December, Aliu allegedly had a
sinister motive up their sleeves. The bridegroom to be
simply disappeared, forcing members of his family to
conduct a search for him through out Thursday night.
The search party found the lifeless body of Kunbi around
9am on Friday behind Aliu’s compound, throwing the
entire community into mourning.
A source said the victim’s five fingers had been chopped
off, while marks of violence were apparent all over his
body. There also a rope tied round his neck, suggesting
that he could have been strangled. The question on
everyone’s lip was, who could have killed Kumbi?

Meanwhile, five suspects have been arrested by the
police in connection with the incident. One of the
suspects is Aliu.
Early that Friday, Aliu was allegedly seen fetching water
from Kunbi’s compound.
The number of times he went to fetch water reportedly
arouse the curiosity of residents, necessitating the brave
ones to ask what he was doing with the unusual volume
of water he was fetching.
Not satisfied with his explanation, some of the residents,
it was learnt, forced their way into his apartment,where
they allegedly discovered, to their shock, blood stains all
over the place.
The suspect was said to have been using the water to
clean up the blood stains in his apartment, apparently to
cover up his track. Also, shattered louvres were
reportedly seen all over the apartment. Consequently, the
residents descended on Aliu.
An eye witness told Sunday Vanguard: “When we
searched through Kunbi’s telephone, which he left while
he rushed to answer the call of death last night
(Thursday), we discovered that the last caller was Aliu.
When confronted at first, Aliu denied seeing him,
insisting rather that a search team be raised to look for
What gave him away was the blood stain that was
trailed, right from where Kunbi’s body was dumped at
Aliu’s apartment.
We also saw a white cloth stained with blood, on the
floor and the key of Kunbi’s shop in Aliu’s apartment.
When he discovered that the game was up, he pleaded
that we should not kill him and disclosed that the plan to
kill Kunbi was hatched by his friends”.
We searched for victim – Landlady
Owner of the building, where Kunbi resided, who also
spoke to Sunday Vanguard anonymously, said
‘’I leased out one of my shops to Kunbi two years ago. He
was a jolly good fellow and full of wisdom.
That was why I always made out time to advise him
about life. However, one thing about him was that he
kept secrets. Perhaps if he had told one about this, we
would have mediated on the payment.
“That fateful night, I sent my daughter to go and lock the
gate, only for her to come back to say Kunbi’s shop was
still opened at that odd hour. I decided to come down
myself to lock the gate and still met the shop opened. I
was surprised because it was very much unlike him .
He never kept late nights nor lived a frivolous life. I
decided to go downstairs to lock the gate myself , with
the intention that he would call when he returned.
A boy told me he left the shop at about 8pm and, when I
asked where he went to, he could not provide answer. I
decided to call him on the phone, only to discover it was
ringing right in his shop. Two hours later, I called the boy
who said he saw Kunbi going out, to find out if he was
back but he said no. At that moment, I knew something
was wrong and informed my husband.
To my shock, after my morning devotion, I went out only
to see a crowd watching a lifeless body that was covered
with nylon. On further enquiry, it was the body of

At about 1pm, that Friday, some policemen, from Alonge
Oworo Division, arrived the scene with the suspects, who
were taken to the apartment where the heinous crime
was allegedly committed.
All of a sudden, a crowd that had gathered descended on
the suspects, to the amazement of the policemen,
attempting to carry out a jungle justice. But the move was
stopped by the firing of tear gas by the policemen.
Spokesman for the Lagos State Police Command, Joe
Offor, a Deputy Superintendent of Police, confirmed the
incident, adding that investigation was still ongoing.

Source: Vanguard

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