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Friday 4 December 2015

Nine Reasons Why Biting Nails Can Seriously Harm Your Health

Nail biting usually occurs when a person is suffering from
stress, anxiety, or nervousness. Such feelings trigger the
person to automatically chew on the nails to attain calmness.
Now, is it the only way to calm yourself, or is their any
alternative solutions? Of course there are. And before we
answer that, here are the horrifying facts that will explain
why you should stop biting your nails.

1. Your nails are full of germs.
No matter how many times you wash your hands, germs
will still live under your fingernails. Because among all
other body parts, your hands, meaning your fingers which
have nails, come into contact with surfaces of all types.
The thing is, your fingers may stay clean, but your nails
aren’t. So when you are biting your nails, you are also
biting on the earthly bacteria, germs, yeast, etc. Yum!

2. You are transferring the bacteria into your mouth.
So what happens after chewing on your delicious germs
and bacteria? You are carting them from your nails to your
mouth. Once they are inside your mouth, they will
eventually enter your digestive system. In 2007, a group of
Turkish scientists experimented on 59 people, combined of
nail biters and non-nail biters, to see whether they
transport bacteria to the mouth. After swabbing each
person’s saliva, the results were quite alarming. 76%
actually transported E. coli, and similar germs, compared
to 26.5% of non biters. E.coli is responsible for diarrhea
and vomiting.

3. In extreme case, you can end up with oral STIs.
It is not only commuting E.coli and other bacteria, in
extreme cases, you may end up with oral STIs. If you are a
nail biter, and one fine day you notice herpes, or blisters
on your lips, don’t fret. They are the results of your nail
bacteria that you have successfully transferred to your

4. From bacteria in your mouth to dental damage.
When you are constantly gnawing down your nails, your
teeth are clicking together. This results in tooth fracture,
tooth chips, and in rare cases, tooth loss.

5. For biters who wear braces, brace yourself!
Those of you who wear braces, you are risking yourself
into tooth resorption, meaning your body cells are
reabsorbing its own cells, and tissues. There is also a
possibility that your braces might break down which
would force you to undergo expensive and potentially
painful dental treatment.

6. You’ll end up having stinky breath.
Stinky breath occurs due to bacteria in your mouth and
saliva. When you are continuously biting your nails and
transferring different bacteria, they are prone to
permanently stay inside your mouth. This leads to stinky
breath, which, no matter how many times you wash your
mouth with fresheners, the foul breath will never go away.

7. You may have pus in your fingernails.
What happens when you bite your nails? You leave the
nail bed exposed. Bacteria, such as Staphylococcus aureus,
can enter the open pores and build pus around the nails,
causing nail abnormality. This pus is a horrible business. It
can be cured through pills, or has to be drained out
through surgery.

8. Polish your nails, but don’t eat them!
Nails look beautiful with nail polishes. But if you are prone
to eat them, then stop using them. Because polishes
contain harmful chemicals, and some varnishes contain
formaldehyde, the chemical that is used to embalm dead
bodies. If this information isn’t enough scary to put you
off, then I don’t know what is.

9. In the end, your nails will never grow back to normal.
Nails are formed on nail beds, and never-ending biting will
eventually ruin your nail bed. Your once long nails will
gradually shorten, and at one point, will no longer grow
any further. The nail’s surface will tear off as well, looking
awful, and embarrassing for you to publicly show off.

So, how can you ever stop?
Now, you know what harm you are doing to yourself
through this horrendous activity. Previously, I have
mentioned that there are solutions to stop biting nails.
Well, first of all, try to stay relaxed and avoid too much
stress and frustration. If you can’t, or not allowed to, then
indulge yourself to physical exercise/activities that releases
stress. You can go for manicures. That will make you feel
guilty of spoiling your beautifully trimmed, polished nails.
Put some nail polish and imagine the harm you are doing
by biting into the varnishes.
And if you really want to chew on something then try
sugar-free chewing gum. They might help you! Just stay
away from biting your beautiful nails because when you
do that it shows how anxious you stay all day. In public
places with people around, it might not be a pretty sight.

Source: Life Hack

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