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Sunday 20 December 2015

SHOCKING!! Woman Vomits Padlock, Delivers Turtle In Lagos.

It sounds like tale by moonlight but it is indeed a verifiable
fact that a woman was delivered of a live turtle and a
padlock in the presence of thousands of worshippers during a
church service in a Lagos church.
Time was 5am on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 during
the Rhema water programme organised by the Elijah Faith
Assembly Church, Ajao Estate, Lagos. The incident took
many, including the church’s Overseer, Prophet Chinonso
Favour Aniebo by surprise. Many took to their heels as a
result of fear and the irritation of seeing a pool of blood
that gushed out of the private part of the woman, Mrs
Cassandra Amaka Obi, before the turtle eventually came
After the incident, the 22-year-old Cassandra from Ihiala,
in Anambra State, lay flat on the floor of the church, while
deliverance prayers were going on to resuscitate her, after
some hours of going into coma. The story of Cassandra,
who is nursing a six-month-old baby girl, who she took to
the church that fateful day, will arouse fears and probably
sympathy in any human.
She told Saturday Sun that her problems started when she
was a little girl under her parents in their Umuabanike
village, Ihiala. According to her, her father, who is a strong
and known native doctor in the area, initiated her into the
occult through his shrine when she was seven years old
and started using her to execute his job.
“When I was nine, my father invoked both the key and the
turtle in my body, so that I will be strong spiritually to
assist him in his shrine. That time, this turtle was in his
barn and was smaller. I really knew the time he did the
whole thing, but as a child, I did not know the implication.
Then, among all the children my father has, I was the clos­
est to him, so he decided to use me in his shrine.
Sometimes, after preparing charms, he would send me to
go and throw them into the river or anywhere he wanted
me to send it to. And, because he used to give me some
money, I was happy working with him”, she stated.
Cassandra said she continued working with her father in
the shrine until she clocked the age of 17 when someone
came to ask for her hand in marriage, but her father
bluntly refused her getting married.
Her words: “At 17, I thought I had served my father well
and should, therefore, marry, but surprisingly, my father
objected to that, insisting that I should not get married at
all, instead, I should stay at home and have as many
children as I liked, in order to assist him in his job. But, I
refused. After much pressure, he managed to allow me get
married. My husband fulfilled all the marriage rites and on
the day of our wedding, my father did not come to the
church, he only appeared when we wanted to take
photographs and he joined us. Could you believe that im­
mediately we finished taking a photograph with my father,
I did not get myself again, I lost my memory, pulled my
wedding ring and threw it to my husband and told him
that the marriage was over. I ran away and they caught
me. In fact, our guests and everyone present were
surprised. Even when they managed to take me to my
father’s house, I wanted to jump the fence. It was when
my father brought kola nuts and prayed that I regained my
senses and followed my husband that I was able to calm
That could be said to be the beginning of Cassandra’s
marital problems. After about six years of their marriage,
she could not conceive probably due to the padlock, turtle
and other dangerous concoctions her father put in her
body. She and her husband went to so many places in
search of solution, and lots of money, energy and time
were wasted, but all were fruitless.
Meanwhile, as these were going on, Cassandra did not
reveal to her husband what was wrong with her. “Though,
I knew that all the things inside my body were the cause
of the problem we were having in our home, I did not
want to tell my husband because he will be scared and
may decide not to continue with the marriage.”
While the search for solution to their problem continued,
their neighbour introduced them to the Elijah Faith
Assembly Church in 2013 where they received prayers and
deliverance. Shortly after, she conceived and had her first
baby girl.
“The problem that brought us to Elijah Faith Assembly in
August 2013 was six years of childless marriage. As I came
out in the church that first day to give offering, the
prophet sighted me, and told me to stop making up. Also,
when we went for service the next Sunday, the prophet
still told me that we came to the church because of fruit of
the womb. In fact, I did not take him seriously. When we
got home, I thought it was due to the same headtie I put
on that made the prophet to recognize me as such. So, I
decided to change the headtie. Yet, when we went to
service another time, he prophesied that my problem
started from my family, and that my father was
responsible for my problems. He, therefore, asked me to
see him after. But, while coming, I should buy whatever I
knew my father would like and bring them to him. So, I
bought wrapper and drink, and the prophet anointed them
and directed me to send the gifts to my father in the
village and return to Lagos next day.”
Cassandra explained that when she took the gifts to her
father, he prayed for her to give birth to as many children
as she likes. “After that, I returned to Lagos and became
pregnant in September and delivered my first child.
Meanwhile, the objects were still inside my body. But, it
was during the Rhema water programme of the church
that I vomited the padlock, after delivering my first child.
Then, I delivered the turtle, six months after delivering my
second child during the church’s Rhema water
She said the turtle delivery miracle started when her
husband travelled home recently and visited her father,
and he was given some coconuts by her father’s maid.
“Although, when my husband was travelling, I warned him
not to visit my father because I understand him well, but
he insisted. When he brought the coconut, it did not occur
to me not to eat it. So, I broke one, ate and gave some to
my neighbours. After eating it, I started to experience
severe stomach pains. Later, my stomach began to swell
like a pregnant woman. So, when I could not bear it any
longer, I reported to Prophet Chinonso, he prayed for me
and advised me not to worry about it. But after sometime,
I started bleeding. Then, I attended a Tuesday church
programme and the prophet prayed for me. Then,
following day, being Wednesday, I returned to the church
for the Rhema water programme. And, during deliverance
prayer by Prophet Chinonso, the bleeding became more
serious, as if I was in labour. Meanwhile, before the
bleeding, I had contractions and those sitting close to me
became curious and were asking whether I was pregnant.
But I told them that I was not pregnant, rather I am
nursing a six-month-old baby.”
Cassandra stated that when the bleeding was on, the
prophet was busy praying from the altear. So, he sent the
Assistant Pastor, Chukwuma Aniebo to give her Rhema
water to drink, while some was poured on her body.
“After drinking the water, the turtle rushed out with blood
from my vagina and I became relieved immediately.”
She thanked God for the miracle that caused a stir in the
church. “I do not know how to explain this because I have
been in bondage. But now I am free, therefore, I promise
to use everything I have to serve God.”
Her husband, Mr Onyeka Obi also narrated his ordeal
throughout their eight years of marriage. According to
him, “Since the time I married her, it has been from one
problem to the other. Sometimes, she would tell me that
she made love with cat in her dream. And anytime I made
love to her, my business would suffer a misfortune. In fact,
it had been spiritual attacks all along and all the places we
went for solution and spent huge amount of money, did
not yield any positive result until we were introduced to
Elijah Faith Assembly Church. And thank God, all the
problems that have been taking us from one place to the
other are now over. We have two kids, and all the spiritual
attacks have stopped. Meanwhile, I went through hell,
trying to find solution to her problems.”
Prophet Chinonso, who was busy at the altar conducting
the deliverance service when the miracle took place at the
nursing mother’s section of the church, described it as one
of the greatest God has performed through him. “I thank
God that He proved himself in the lives of the couple who
have been suffering from spiritual bondage. In fact, this
miracle is hard to believe. But God did it to uplift his
name. We have been praying that God should perform a
miracle that would shake the world. And we are happy
that He has done it.”
One of the Church members, Mrs Chimezie Nwabugo who
witnessed the incident explained that she was the one that
pressed Cassandra’s stomach before the turtle came out. “I
sat close to her in the church. Eventually, she called my
attention to come and press her stomach. Initially, I was
reluctant because I did not know what was happening to
her. But after much pressure, I decided to assist her. When
I pressed her stomach gently, she insisted that I should
help her remove her undies and press her harder. And,
when I did, she told me that the thing was coming out.
Then, I wondered what she meant since she was not
Thereafter, she said it has come out. I did not see anything,
until when we pulled her away from the pool of blood
where she was lying and I saw something like a congealed
blood that fell off her cloth. When I looked closely, I
noticed that it was a live turtle covered with blood.
Because of that, I ran away and almost everyone close to
the place left in fear. In fact, that experience was a very
strange one and I have not had it before. Since that time,
people on the streets call me midwife that helped a
woman to deliver a turtle, instead of a child, but I do not
bother because God knows why it happened like that”, she

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