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Monday 14 December 2015

Before You Send Your Daughter or Sister To A University In Ghana, You Need To Read This

I was having my lunch in a restaurant in Accra this
afternoon, when A friend started a discussion of what some
of our female Nigerian students in Ghana have turned
themselves into.
I could not agree more. While the parents spend lots of
money to ensure their daughters are comfortable and
graduate with flying colours, their children have a
different agenda.
There was this particular case of a young girl whose
mother rented a 2-bedroom flat for her in Accra. My
friend,said news just got to him this week, that this
student slept with 5(five) guys at the same time and was
still begging for more. She is always high on hard drugs.
And, the mother, back in Nigeria will be boasting of her
daughter, who is studying in Ghana. Oh, so pathetic.
Sadly to say, many of these young girls have become
international prostitutes and seriously hooked on drugs. I
mean what I am saying. And many people in Accra can
bear me witness. Some of the mushroom universities
attended by the students lack hostel facilities and the
students are forced to rent accomodation thereby
according them too much privacy which they are not
matured enough to handle.
This issues also involves our boys. Some have become
drug addicts, school dropouts and they still collect school
fees from their parents.
Parents need to pay regular unexpected visit to their
children and monitor them via phone calls at odd hours to
find out where they are and what they are up to.
If you’re a parent, you must never cease to pray for your
children. And, if you are not sure of child’s behaviour,
keep him or her close to you.

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