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Thursday 7 April 2016

See The 5 Diseases That Kills Faster Than HIV/AIDS | No. 2 Will Shock You

According to the World Health Organisation
(WHO), 56 million people died in 2012 from
illness causing disease with non-communicable
ailments accounting for 68 per cent of deaths
It is widely believed that the most deadly disease
in the world is HIV/AIDS. However, science has
proven in recent times that there are more deadly
disease in the world.
We have compiled a list of five diseases that can
kill faster than HIV/AIDS.

1. Cardiovascular Diseases (CVDs) According to
the WHO, cardiovascular diseases is the number
one cause of sudden deaths in world apart from
road crashes. CVDs include all illness related to
the blood vessels like coronary heart diseases and
myocadial infection, often referred to as heart
attack. Risk factors include the tobacco use,
unhealthy diet and obesity, physical inactivity
and harmful use of alcohol.

2. Human Papilloma Virus Commonly referred
to as HPVs, this sickness is a group of more than
150 related disease which can be contacted
through direct skin-to-skin contact. It is the most
common sexually transmitted disease affecting
the genital areas of males and females and can
develop into cervical or prostate cancer. There is
a preventive vaccine for the common type of

3. Cancer This is most dangerous disease which
can affect any part of the body. Experts say there
are over 100 different types of cancer and they
are classified by the type of cell that is initially
affected. This disease harms the body when
altered cells divide uncontrollably to form lumps
or masses of tissue called tumors. Common
examples include breast, lung, prostate and skin

4. Diabetes
About a decade ago, diabetes was thought to be a
disease for the rich but things have changed as
medical science has shown that anyone can
become diabetic. Diabetes occur due to the body’s
inability to process sugar.

5. Stroke
Stroke is a medical emergency which occurs due
to problem with the blood supply to the brain. It
is the the number 5 cause of death all over the
world. Research has it that approximately 800,000
people have a stroke each year.

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