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Tuesday 4 August 2015

'I Met Whitney Houston, Gaddafi In Hell & They Gave Me Messages' - Woman Narrates Her 2nd Visit To Hell

A Sierra Leonean woman, Linda Kumba Isatu
Ngaujah, claims to have died on Friday, February
15, 2013 and went to hell where she had
encounters with demons and the Devil (Satan).
She also visited heaven and had a divine
encounter with Jesus Christ.
She came back with specific messages from
Gaddafi, Whitney Houston and former President of
Guinea, Lansana Conte. She was also sent back
with specific warnings from Jesus Christ to
popular Ministers of the Gospel in Sierra Leone
and Nigeria.

Read Her Testimony below:

Jesus went with me to hell this time. When I was
with Jesus, the brightness of Jesus was very
glorious. Jesus have light all over His body. When
we entered that dark place (Hell), I was seeing. I
could see, this time, the people in hell because of
the bright light on Jesus (Jesus is walking with a
bright light, a glorious light).
And then, Jesus opened my eyes to see some of
these men and women in hell. Jesus gave me
message to Sierra Leone. He said if I should have
come in December to January only five people in
Sierra Leone would have raptured, five only. That
includes the three righteous pastors and five other
people in and out of the church. When I said this
in Sierra Leone, people said it is lie.
Jesus said Sierra Leone is polluted; that the
shepherds he gave the word to preach to His
people in Sierra Leone are dying to meet God, but
majority are in hell. So Jesus sent me to Sierra
When we were in hell, Jesus showed me a glass-
like aquarium with people inside it, the souls of
human who are still on earth are in that glass
inside hell. These are people on earth who are
working for demons. We have some people on
earth who don’t believe anything, they are on
their own, doing all sorts of bad things, even
pastors who knows the truth but are bowing down
to Satan. They are partakers of Satan’s
communion, their souls are in that place.

Muammar Gaddafi In Hell

And Jesus pulled out a man from the fire and he
introduced himself to me. He said, “I am
Gaddafi” (because you won’t recognize him
because the fire has destroyed him. He said, “I
am Gaddafi, former Libyan president.”
Gaddafi said, “Tell my Libyan people to worship
Jesus.” He said, “Tell my people to believe in
Jesus.” He said, “Ah Jesus, have mercy, I never
knew you are the right way, have mercy on me.”
He said, even the people who killed him on earth,
he doesn’t want them to come to hell. He said,
“Tell my people to believe that Jesus is the right
He also gave me another message (why he gave
me this message is because, he said, the entire
mosques he built on earth should be destroyed
and turned into churches so that people will
glorify Jesus and maybe the punishment on him
in hell will decrease). Because anything here on
earth that you build that does not glorify Jesus
Christ, that does not glorify God, that does not
make people to come to their right Father (hotels,
bars, etc.), anything sinful in the world that you
build (when you die, you leave these things on
earth). People will be there doing all sorts of evil
things, as far as people are enjoying these places,
or practicing all sorts of evil things, in the place
that doesn’t glorify Jesus Christ, the demons will
increase the pain on you in hell.
So he said, “Please so that the pain will decrease,
I know if people will worship in my mosque, if
they will call Jesus there, maybe the pain will
decrease.” And Jesus said, “It is too late.”I saw
another president (Former president of Guinea).
Why Jesus showed me these presidents is
because He gave me a message for Sierra Leone
president. When I met my Sierra Leone president,
he loves God. He obeyed the message. I thank
God for his life, because men of God were saying
all sorts of things, but the president obeyed the
message of God.
President Lansana Conte, former president of
Guinea, he said, “Tell my people in Guinea, let
them have Jesus over Guinea, and let them turn
to Jesus because Jesus is the only way.” He said
where he is, he doesn’t want anyone to be there.
He said, “tell my people to believe and trust in
Jesus.” He said he started a cult that he was
sponsoring and he was also in the cult. He said
he wants the people to destroy that cult, let them
come to Jesus.
One famous Lawyer that died: Usher Williams. He
was the deputy speaker of House of Parliament in
Sierra Leone House of Parliament. He was in one
cult, they call the cult in Sierra Leone “Louch” and
he was in devil business, ordaining devils. He
said I should tell his “Louch” brothers that they
are heading to hell, all his cult brothers that died
before him, he saw them in hell. He said, “Please
destroy Louch, destroy these devils.” He said,
“turn to Jesus, He is the only way, hell is real.”
I saw one prophet: Prophet Mani. He was the
owner of the Burning Bush, that man said he
would die but that he would also rise up after
three days. And when he died, they took his body
to the mortuary, his congregation said that they
should not bury him. After three days he did not
rise again, he was there for one month until the
mortuary people said they should come and take
their corpse away.
I saw this man in hell. He said, “tell the people
that I did miracles and signs and wonders with
communions. These communions, those
anointing oil, I ordained them and dedicate them
to the demons.” He said, tell them to go to a
church where they can be delivered or else if they
die they will go to hell because I ordained them
for Satan. Satan was the one giving me all these
powers.” “And tell them to destroy my church
because the foundation is from Satan, everything
up to the roof is from Satan.”

Whitney Houston In Hell

I saw one woman - a musician I liked so much -
I always listened to her music when I was in the
world - Whitney Houston. She said, “tell my
mother to take my only daughter to church, that
all the finances I left behind should be used to
support God’s work. Let them support Jesus’
ministry, let them support holiness ministries, let
them support God’s work. Let them support
Christians - the right Christians. She said she
wants her child to grow in Christ and know
Jesus.“Please tell my mother.” “Jesus, please
have mercy! Let me go back to the world and tell
people that you are real! Let me tell these
musicians!” And Jesus said, “It is too late!”
I saw my biological parents in hell. My mother,
my father and even my grandmother that just died
this January ( I don’t like talking about them) -
sobs - it is very painful. It is only the grace of
God, I don’t like talking about hell, some times
when I am asked to come and give testimony, I
don’t like to, because I know I will reach this part.
And one day, Jesus said, if I stopped preaching
His word, He will destroy me. So I always pray to
Jesus, whenever I stand to give this testimony, to
give me the boldness and strength, because any
time I think of my parents, I loved my mother so
much but she didn’t know Jesus. She was crying;
she said, “Please I miss you guys, tell your sister
to follow Jesus, I don’t want you people to come
Please mothers, don’t leave your children behind,
you know the truth right now, take your children
along the way of the Lord Jesus Christ. I didn’t
recognize my mother anymore. I don’t want to go
to hell (I love my mother so much). I used to say
anywhere my mother is, I want to go. When Jesus
showed me my mother- I don’t want to go to hell,
I don’t want to be with her there.
Don’t go to hell, hell is not a place for people like
us. And Jesus showed me a young boy, about
five or six years old, because of witchcraft, God
say I will judge all men. When Pastor Ken Paul
said a child can go to hell, I argued in my mind
that God would not do something like that, but
God showed me this boy, a small boy, because of
Satan is wicked, now if you go to crusades in
Sierra Leone and they say witches should come
out, you will see small children. When you are
coming for a program like this, don’t leave your
children behind; come with them so that Jesus
will deliver them. If you leave them and they die,
they will go to hell, no matter how small they are;
as long as they have sense and know what is bad
and good.
I saw another woman who was in Thailand when
she died. She was a believer in Jesus but married
to a Muslim, then backslid. She said I should tell
her daughters, “I loved their father so much and
trusted him, not knowing that this man was in
occultism.” He sacrificed his wife. She said, tell
them to go out and stand firm in the church, in
Jesus who is the only way. She gave me the
man’s name and address.

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