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Monday 28 September 2015

Reasons Men Are More Likely To Fall In Love Harder And Faster Than Women

There’s a common misconception women are
crazy, running around looking for men to pour
all our love into, dupe into a relationship and
all but smother with possession and affection.
And men? Men are empty.
Any woman who’s been in a relationship,
however, knows this image of the woman is
completely falsified.
If anything, it’s just another way men have
turned the roles around and tried to trick us
into forgetting the truth. What’s the truth?
Women are the cool, calm and collected ones
and men are the ones declaring their love and
crying for devotion and affection.
According to Marissa Harrison, a psychologist
from Pennsylvania State University, women
are much more cautious when it comes to
love and men have a tendency to fall in —
hard and fast.
In a study published in the Journal of Social
Psychology, Harrison asked 172 college
students if they’d ever been in love.
If participants answered yes, she asked how
long it took them to say “I love you.” Not
surprisingly, men were prone to say it much
faster than women, declaring their love after
just a few weeks compared to women, who
took a few months.
But the real question we have is: Why? Why
are men falling in love faster than women?
Why are the usually emotionless, stone-cold-
repressed-feelings “macho men” of the world
weeping like the star of a Nicholas Sparks
Why does the one group of people who
professes its callousness and determination to
remain single always end up falling so damn
For all the women out there who’ve been in a
relationship and witnessed the beautiful and
surprising transformation of a calloused
bachelor into a gushing, love-sick mess, you
already understand why men fall much harder
than women.
They’ve spent their lives suppressing
Once a pipe bursts, it’s almost impossible to
stop the flow. Men are the same way.
For years, they’ve been bottling up their
emotions, pushing away any type of maternal
guidance and ignoring their urge for nurture.
Once they get it, however, they can’t live
without it anymore. They’ve let everything out,
and they’ll be damned if they’re going to put
it back in again.
Men are much more territorial than women.
Women may have a harder time with the
chase, but men have a harder time with the
hold. Men may be harder to catch, but once
they’re caught, they’re impossible to shake.
They become territorial over their partners the
same way they once did their independence
and their bachelor pads.
They like to display ownership and power,
while also relinquishing all their emotional
They don’t question their emotions — and they
don’t have their emotions questioned.
Unlike women, who are taught to question
every thought and feeling, men go with their
gut and trust it instinctively. They weren’t
raised to wonder if they’re being “too
emotional” or acting “crazy.”
They don’t have to explain their feelings or
second-guess them because they’ve never
been told those feelings are wrong. Thus,
men don’t second-guess when they’re in love.
They never wonder if those strong feelings of
love are really just lust or their attachment is
really just a temporary lid on a void they’re
looking to fill.
They haven’t experienced this type of
connection before.
Women have close, emotional connections
with one another all the time. The friendship
between women is a very deep and pa
$$ionate one. Men, on the other hand, are
cold and tempered around their friends.
They don’t get deep, emotional or “gushy”
with one another. They don’t tell each other
their innermost secrets and desires, and they
don’t share feelings and advice.
When they finally experience the connection
women expect from every relationship, they
have a hard time letting it go.
They want to be like their dad, but still need
their mom.
You don’t need to be Freud to recognize men
never stop loving their mothers. You can’t
possibly be raised and carried by someone for
so long and then just stop craving that sort of
affection and love.
Men may want to act like the strong, proud
fathers they grew up admiring, but they really
just want to be the little boy who is taken
care of again.
source: elitedaily.com

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