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Friday 25 September 2015

9 Common Dreams And Their Meanings (Must Read)

You’ve probably experienced one of these ten
dreams in your life; they focus on themes
universal to most of us. By working with the
inner messages in common dreams, you can
maximize your confidence, creativity, and
effectiveness in waking life.
1. My teeth are falling out!
If your teeth are dirty, diseased, disintegrating,
or falling out in your dreams, you’re probably
worrying about how pleasing and attractive
you are to others and to s*xual and romantic
partners. You may be afraid of getting old.
Teeth also relate to self-expression and
effective communication, so losing teeth can
mean you’re embarra$$ed about something
you’ve said, or you’re having trouble saying
what you really mean.
The real essence of teeth is their ability to
bite through, to cut, tear, and grind. As
human animals, you retain a vestige of
snarling — showing teeth as a “stay back”
warning — in our disarming smile. If your
teeth fall out, you lose personal power and
your ability to be a$$ertive, decisive, and self-
You might ask yourself: Where do I lack
confidence or feel powerless? With whom do I
feel self-conscious or insecure? How am I
angry or frustrated? Where should I take
action to “bite through” something, or chew
something thoroughly so I understand it?
2. I’m unclad in public!
You’re going about your business and
suddenly realize you’re unclad or in your
underwear at work or at the grocery store.
Exposure dreams bring to light the things you
don’t want others to know about you and
places where you feel vulnerable. Suddenly
everyone sees through you. Being unclad in
front of others also implies being caught off
guard or being unprepared, uninformed,
uneducated, or unpracticed.
Try asking yourself: What have I been hiding?
Where do I feel like a phony? What’s wrong
with being seen for whom I really am? Where
do I feel invisible? Can I tolerate, or even love,
my imperfections? Who am I afraid will reject
me? What am I telling myself I need to be
prepared for — for my own sake?
3. A monster is chasing me!
You’re running, trying to outpace or outwit
your pursuer, and he/she/it’s gaining on you!
Suddenly your legs are paralyzed! Chase
dreams often represent fears of facing up to
something you’ve judged negatively, like your
own rage, shame, or irresponsibility, for
Or, you may feel threatened by someone or
by a possible failure. If you become paralyzed,
you probably need to stand still and meet your
pursuer to receive an important message. Or,
you may be experiencing the normal
“paralysis” that occurs in the REM (rapid eye
movement) sleep state.
Try asking yourself: What do I feel threatened
by? What am I avoiding? Who have I given my
power to? Where have I surrendered my right
to “take up space”? Where do I feel helpless
or unsupported? How do I deal with conflict?
4. I’m in my childhood home; it has new
Houses are symbols of the self, so returning
to an old house means you are looking back
at an old way of being, past habits, identities
you’ve held, and outdated concepts you’ve
been operating from. Perhaps you need to
bring repressed memories to the surface to
be healed.
Trying to live in an old house that might be
too small for you now, or seeing things that
need repair, means you’re becoming
conscious of how much you’ve grown and
what you’re renovating in yourself. When your
old house has new rooms, you’ve added new
talents, experiences, people, and components
to your life.
You might ask yourself: What parts of my
house need refurbishing? Am I comfortable in
this space? Which room is my favorite? What
do the new rooms symbolize?
5. I lost my wallet and keys!
Dreams of loss point to areas where you are
too attached to something; you are telling
yourself, “Let go and see what comes next
when you don’t have it all locked down.”
Losing your wallet can indicate it’s time to
reexamine your identity. Losing your car may
mean you need to look at your need for
movement, freedom, and independence as
you’ve defined it. Losing keys points to a fear
of losing authority or access to an
opportunity. Losing money can mean you’re
letting go of what’s been valuable to you so
you can revalue your core self.

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