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Saturday 5 September 2015

Man Resurrects After 30hrs In Mortuary (Photos)

A 70 year old man might have
cheated death when he bounced back
to life after spending over 30 hours
in a mortuary in Makurdi, the Benue
state capital.
Doctors at a private hospital in the
town had on Saturday, August 26,
2015, certified Amos Otene dead at
4. 30 am and promptly covered him
up and wheeled him into the
mortuary, awaiting instructions from
members of the family for
As further proof that Otene was
dead, the doctors extracted the
requisite body fluid and other
substances from the corpse, for post
mortem examination which was to
ultimately reveal the cause of death.
According to the family, the hospital
admitted Otene on Friday August 25
after he complained of severe
toothache which had persisted for
several days.
As the news of Otene’s death spread,
family members and other
sympathisers continued to throng the
On Sunday, when one of his children,
Eche, who lives in Lafia visited, he
was taken to the mortuary to
confirm that his father had indeed
passed on. According to Eche, at
about 1.39 pm, “the morticians at the
hospital wheeled out the trolley
containing my father and unveiled
the face for me to see.
It was in this process that the
supposedly he started raising his
right hand and all of us fled towards
the reception area of the mortuary.
From a safe distance we watched as
my father lifted himself and sat on
the bed and that was about seven
minutes later. One of the attendants
eventually summoned enough
courage and approached my father
who fell back on the trolley.”
Eche said that the doctors ordered
that the resurrected man be
readmitted in the ward where some
medication was administered and he
was placed on fresh round of drips.
He remained in the ward till
Tuesday when the doctors carried
out series of tests and certified Otene
fit for discharge.
Encounter with death
As at Wednesday at the Otene’s Old
GRA residence in Makurdi, well-
wishers continued to troupe there to
catch a glimpse of the resurrected
man. Until his retirement in 2012,
Otene worked at the Department of
Forestry of the Federal Ministry of
Agriculture in Makurdi. In what may
well be an apparent case of near-
death experience, Otene said that,
“what I remember is that I was in a
vehicle and traveled a long distance.
When I got there, there were many
people and there was a lot of
celebration and merriment and the
people were happy. But they did not
allow me to stay with them.
They said I should go back and
repeat my work.
I am much better now and I thank
God for everything and I also owe
many thanks to the hospital for
taking care of me and my family
members who have been worried.
I hope they will continue to be with
me until I am completely free from
this stress.”

It’s a miracle

Otene’s wife, Elizabeth, was not
aware that her husband had ‘passed’.
Her children did not inform her
because, according to them, she is
hypertensive and they feared that
informing her would have caused
additional damage.
According to Elizabeth, “they did not
tell me that my husband died, they
only told me after the resurrection
and I think it is a miracle.
I ask God to forgive me for doubting
when they told me that he died and
After his resurrection he developed
high appetite for food and he has
been demanding for food. Eche, the
son said,”this is God’s miracle. We
glorify God’s name. God is merciful
and we can’t thank Him enough for
keeping my father alive. What if they
had embarmed him? They did not
because they were waiting for us.
And when I visited the man came
alive. It’s God’s work.”

Faulty death certification

But medical experts say Otene could
not have died in the first place and
that the question of resurrection was
out of the question.
The only explanation, according to a
Makurdi-based medical practitioner,
Dr. Ameh Edace, is that, “he was in a
long coma. He was in a long coma if
he came back to life before
Also reacting, the Medical Director of
Rekiya Memorial Hospital, Kaduna,
Dr. Bello Mohammed, said that, “in
the history of medicine, there has
not been any case of anybody
coming back to life after being
certified dead.
It is not possible but when you talk
of miracle, that is a different thing
altogether because with miracle,
anything can happen.
But if a person is pronounced
clinically dead, he remains dead and
there is no way he can come back to
life, certainly, not after 24 hours. For
this case in question, the only
medical explanation is that the
patient was in a long coma.
If a doctor had certified the patient
dead, then the competence of that
doctor should be questioned. For
sure, there is something wrong with
the death certification

Source: Vanguard

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